How Can You Add Link To Your TikTok Bio
By Thomas Tran on Oct 17, 2022
Although it’s relatively new on the social media scene, TikTok has already made its mark and is one of the most popular social media platforms to date. There are over 750 million TikTok users worldwide, and the app has acquired six billion lifetime downloads from both the App Store and the Google Play Store.
2020 was a particularly good year for TikTok, as the app saw unprecedented growth largely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. With lockdowns being enforced across the globe, users saw TikTok as a way to entertain themselves and get creative. This paved the way for the rise of TikTok influencers.
To build a following, creators on TikTok need to consistently produce engaging and entertaining content. This allows them to reach more audiences and grow their following. You could even leverage your TikTok following to boost your other online platforms, which you could direct your followers to using a link in their TikTok bio. This is especially advantageous if you’re running a business because you could use your TikTok profile to connect with potential customers.
How to Add a TikTok Link to Your Bio
Back in 2020, only Android users were given the option to add a link to their TikTok bios. Now, in 2022, both iOS and Android users can enjoy the feature, but it hasn’t been rolled out for all iOS devices yet. Here’s a sample of what a link in your bio would look like:
Even if you don’t have 88.6 million followers like TikTok sensation Addison Rae, having a link in your bio is an excellent way to reach new audiences and build your personal brand. Here’s how you can add a link to your TikTok bio:
Switch to or set up a TikTok Business Account
Before you can add a link to your TikTok bio, you must first have a TikTok Business Account. Users on TikTok usually start off with a basic account. However, if you will be using your TikTok for business purposes, switching to a Business Account will be beneficial because it provides you with post insights and tools to maximize your profile. You can do this by heading to your profile and tapping on the three small dots on the upper-right corner of the screen.
Once there, tap on the tab labeled “Manage account.” In the section labeled “Account control,” tap on the tab that says “Switch to Business Account.” A prompt will show up asking you to confirm your choice. Tap on “Switch,” and you will have a TikTok Business Account.
Edit your TikTok profile
Once your account is set up, head back to your profile. Underneath the section that showcases your Likes, Following, and Follower counts, you will see a box saying “Edit profile.” Tap on that box. This will lead you to the profile tools page. You can input all of your details, and you can add in your link in the section labeled “Website.”
Insert your link
Tap on the “Website” section of the profile editing page. Paste the link of the website you want your followers to visit. Once you finish, exit the profile editing section. When you check out your TikTok profile, you should already have a link in your bio.
As mentioned, adding a link to your TikTok bio helps you expand your reach and lead visitors to your platforms outside of TikTok. More often than not, however, you would want to direct your audiences to multiple platforms where they can connect with you.
For example, you may have a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page. Because you can only add one link to your TikTok bio, you need to find a way to share all of these links in one page. This can be done using a tool for maximizing your links and creating a link in bio URL.
The Benefits of Having a TikTok Link in Your Bio
If you work with brands and want to feature products and services on your TikTok profile, inserting a link in your bio is an effective way to boost your engagement and drive traffic to those links. This can also help you convert your followers to paying customers, boosting the revenue for you and the brands that you work with.
You can tie this in with your content creation on TikTok. Consider adding a call-to-action caption on your videos directing people to the link in your bio. You can even add a platform where people can make donations or contributions to your work.
Additionally, adding a link to your TikTok bio isn’t only an excellent way to get followers on your other social media platforms. You can also gain more followers for your TikTok profile because it would be working hand in hand with your other links to grow your brand as a whole.